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I strongly believe that true art comes from the heart. We have released and we will release all our innovative books for free. Please help us reach the hearts of children.


Game Tale




Who is the author behind the innovative GameTales? Meet Nikola Raykov!



Game Tale




Game Tale

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Why do I release my books for free


Yep. That's one of the questions I get asked all the time. It's rather unusual behavior for an author to release his books absolutely free, isn't it?


Well, here's why:


It's NOT all about the money! As the popular saying goes “The best thing in life are free” and so it is. Can you put a price tag on “friendship” or “love”? How much does “freedom” cost? It would be cruel if children weren't able to enjoy my books because their parents could not afford to buy them, and children's authors should not be cruel. They should be the opposite of cruel, actually – gentle, caring and loving. The values we write about should not be just words on paper. We should be the living and breathing examples of those values, because what we write HAS to be true. [+] read more

Game Tale

Book Teaser

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Game Tale

10 Favorite Quotes


The path forked to the left and right, even though Gremmy didn’t know left from right. Would left even be left if there was no right, and would right be right if there was no left?


“Doesn’t it burn your tail?” the gremlin asked the pot.
“I have no tail,” answered the pot.
“Then doesn’t it burn your no-tail?” asked the gremlin again.


It seemed to Gremmy that the more he went on without thinking, the more some thoughts wanted him to think them. Strange thing, thoughts, he thought. As if they’re not there, but you can’t get rid of them, either. [+] read more

Game Tale

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